Cellular rsrp
Cellular rsrp

cellular rsrp cellular rsrp

The antennas in the yellow circles are positioned to service the towns of Rockport and Fulton and their beam patterns are, most likely optimize to the urban areas around them. The answer to that question, most likely comes from the beam pattern of those antennas compared to the one I am connected to. But notice that I’m not connected to either of them even though they seem closer. Those are Verizon-owned towers which the app has in its database. Notice that there are two yellow circles with signal strength bars just to my north. For the moment we’re going to ignore the numbers at the top of the picture and will only look at the map. My location is shown as the blue dot and the tower I am connected to is to my south. The app is reporting how my Verizon Pixel 5 is connecting to the network. Figure 1 is a screenshot from an Android app called Network Cell Info Lite.

Cellular rsrp